Our design and fabrication plant is one of the most advanced of its kind in Indonesia.
Jagat Baja Prima Utama’s 10,000 sq meter facility includes all physical and professional resources required for state-of-the-art steel structure design, engineering and fabrication. Full computerized support for the CAD and drafting units ensure full component integration and effective coordination and implementation of design updates.
Fabrication facilities include current technology multi-spindle CNC drilling machine and a high-efficiency auto-matic cold circular saw. Transfer lines can cut and drill beams up to 1,200 cm by 500 cm.
We were the first company in Indonesia to pioneer the use of large, heavy duty steel beam cutters and the first to deploy CNC equipment for precision cutting and drilling.
All facilities are supported by a solid human resources base, with extensive qualifications and experience in engineering, procurement, on-site management and quality control.